Electrical Project in arranging the document to be prepared in the following order is usually not, depending on the plant parts will be skipped.

Cover the project will be put on the first page of contents.
1) Project Report: standard title page of the project report will be put on the first page. The project report will consist of 4 parts.
1.1.1-General introduction
1.1.2-The aim of the project
1.1.3-Energy supply and installation of power
1.1.4-energy measurement system
1.1.5-backup power supply (diesel generator)
1.1.6-force control systems
1.1.7 Emergency Lighting and orientation-
1.1.8-lightning protection facility
1.1.9-Fire protection system
01.01.10-Domestic installations and low current facility

1.1.11-Environmental lighting

1.2.1-electric power demand account
1.2.2-Diesel Generator (backup power supply) account
1.2.3-Reactive power compensation account
1.2.4-voltage drop and power loss calculations
1.2.5-Short-circuit calculations
1.2.6-Lighting accounts
1.2.7-grounding system accounts
1.3-Document and Tables
1.3.1-electric plant operating principles
1.3.2-use devices that accept the terms and definitions related to testing
1.3.3-unit price recipes
1.3.4-Software and hardware selection lists and technical specifications of the material
1.4-Information sheets
1.4.1-Instrument Data Sheets
1.4.2-loop diagrams
2 - Plans
2.1-MV and LV single line diagrams
2.2-Energy Transmission Line Plans
2.2.1.Yeraltı Wired Power Transmission Lines
Letter to be permitted 2.1.3.a.1-Energy
2.1.3.a.2-critique works
2.1.3.a.3-Plans (site plan)
2.1.3.a.4-Detail Plans
Calculations related to 2.1.3.a.5-Power Transmission Lines
2.2.2. Overhead Transmission Line
Letter to be permitted 2.2.1.b.1-Energy
2.2.2.b.2-critique works
2.2.2.b.3-stripped the preparation of topographical maps
2.2.2.b.4-Site Plan
2.2.2.b.5-HV Power Transmission Lines (OTL) profile
Direct Travers 2.2.2.b.6-selection lists
Deflection calculations based on various temperatures 2.2.2.b.7-ENH
Determination of areas and easement areas 2.2.2.b.8-expropriation plans and accounts 2.2.2.b.9-Type Projects
2.3-General Electricity Distribution Plans

2.4-Transformer Plans
2.4.1-Transformer plans
2.4.2-Transformer Building plans
2.4.3-Detail plans
2.5-Generator Plans
2.6-Force Facilities Plans
2.6.1-Site plans
2.7-Compensation Plans
2.8-electric control and automation plans.
2.8.1-power control schemes
2.8.2-Remote control plans
2.8.3-SCADA / PLC plans
2.9-Ground Facilities plans
10.2-Lightning protection plans
2.11-Environmental Lighting plans
2.12-P & I and Mimic Diagram
2:13-Indoor Plumbing Plans
2.13.1-Lighting and Socket Installation plans
2.13.2-Low-voltage installation plans
2.13.3-Fire Alarm Installation Plans
2.13.4-Emergency lighting plans
2.13.5-elevator installation plans
2.14-cathodic protection plans
2.15-Detailed images
16.02-Symbol lists
3) Attachments:
Electric Plant General Technical Specifications,
SMM's license,
Energy allowed entry,
Grounding the measurement report,

Type of project, type of accounts, direct and cross bar
4) Estimate

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